A therapy practice that seeks to walk with you through difficulties in the present, fears of the future and memories of the past as you grow toward wholeness and happiness.

Moving the Needle: Action Steps to Take for Change

DEI work is here to stay, no matter how, when or why it is banned. When people align with equity work, it is because it is like air, and the idea of living without it is unbearable. We are all receiving an onslaught of political media, whether or not we want to be. The media have a way of finding us, and we may find ourselves aghast at what is happening around us, to us, to our friends, to our family, to our neighbors, to our communities and to the environs we have historically considered ‘safe spaces’. Many folx feel a deep yearning to participate in change that moves the needle but have no idea where to start. While financial contribution is always helpful, it is not the only way to make change.

We’ve compiled a list of things you can do to take action if you would like to participate in making change for good. Please share far and wide. And if you know of additional ways we can protect, honor, and fight for the rights of all, please reach out and we will gladly add to this list.

In Peaceful Resistance, CICW


Use this link to search by zip for contact information for your senators and congresspeople. You’ll find many issues you can choose to address, a sample script to use, and the phone numbers of the government offices to contact. You can also download the app.

The Nature Conservancy of Illinois

Use this link to support Illinois’ most precious natural resources; add your name to petitions and sign pledges for efforts to reduce plastic pollution, reverse species loss, or stop climate and clean energy rollbacks. Learn how to reduce your carbon footprint here.

Indivisible Illinois

Use this link to stay up on local peaceful protests, mobilization efforts, or gatherings of community thought leaders. Learn how to use your time and energy in ways that make the largest impact to your community. Search by zip for events, or register your own event with Indivisible.

Your Local Epidemiologist

Sign up for this newsletter to get as-it-happens medical news that you might otherwise receive from the CDC (but cannot). Dr. Katelyn Jetelina started this infosource during the COVID pandemic and it proved to be so useful, she continued the efforts. You’ll get emails twice a week.

Human Rights Campaign Illinois: No Hate in my State

Use this link to send a scripted form-letter to your senators and congresspeople demanding ongoing protections for our LGBTQIA+ community by asking them to oppose any anti-queer legislation that comes across their desks.

Center for Reproductive Rights Illinois

Use this link to join #TheForwardFight movement to help restore and reinforce reproductive freedom in Illinois, including assisted reproductive technology, gender affirmation care, birth control and abortion care. Learn about events, ways to mobilize, and spread the words through socials.